Leadership without Authority

Rija Shaheed
2 min readApr 1, 2021

I got the chance to get introduced to the unprecedented idea “everyday leadership” (at least for me) and I just noticed how my different activities during a day are transforming me obliviously into a leader so I just recently developed a little sense of respect for each and every contribution I do on daily basis so here comes a little fragment of my everyday leadership.

I just came back from university , entered into my living room and was extremely annoyed by the sight of the mess there. It happens normally so there’s no point of wonder. I usually get very frustrated when I come across such things but since they’ve become a part of routine, I’ve got used to of it. My fastidious nature even has got failed to motivate me enough to take steps for cleaning out. But I’d this concept of “everyday leadership” planted some where in the back of my mind and I gathered courage to make things tidy in my living room. Here’s how beautifully untidy the room appeared in the very initial phase.

Talking about the process I removed unwanted things from the sofa and placed them where they meant to be. Then I dusted the floor and the blinds. With the help of my Baba, I laid the carpet on the floor and placed cushions on it and here’s how my efforts turned out to be.

I mostly do these things because I can’t tolerate untidiness around me but often annoyingly as I assume it’s not always my responsibility to fix things. I would have done it this time too even if I hadn’t been assigned such a task. But this time was a bit different, as I had a sense of realization that these small efforts are turning me into a leader and I’m making a positive impact on my family.

